Question: What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t come back? A stick. (I’ll show myself out.) Bad jokes aside, iBuumerang (pronounced “eye-boomerang”) is the… [Read more]
Young Living MLM Review (2025): Essential Oils or Modern Snake Oil?
Get this: Humans have been using essential oils for thousands of years. Long before the MLM company Young Living , the ancient Egyptians were extracting… [Read more]
Younique MLM Review (2025): Love It or Leave It?
Imagine this: Makeup and skin care products that not only help you feel beautiful, look beautiful, and be beautiful… [Read more]
Damsel In Defense MLM Review (2025): Stun Guns n’ Pepper Spray Parties
There’s no denying it: It’s 2025 and despite the recent Me Too movement, too many women are still facing a ton of harassment in our society… [Read more]
Keala Kanae Review: Fullstaq Marketer or Full of Sh*t?
Admit it: You’re not exactly thrilled with the idea of showing up at an office all day, err’day for the rest of your life. Terrifies the living sh*t outta… [Read more]